We know that Dr. Ben Carson is a current Republican presidential candidate, and before that a world-reknowned surgeon. (Not to mention the subject of an excellent TNT movie starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. and an excellent short Afro). But did you know that the soft-spoken Carson also had a sense of humor?
Behold his brief, brief but pivotal appearance in 2003's "Stuck On You," starring Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear as conjoined twins who don't look a thing alike. Carson plays himself, the surgeon responsible for separating the two.
It's typically goofy Farrelly Brothers movie stuff, and just a couple of lines, but it's funny and Carson doesn't look any sillier than anyone else. (And given Damon and co-director Peter Farrelly's current shenanigans on HBO's "Project Greenlight," Carson might come out of this looking pretty good.)
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