Baldwin's back as 'SNL' skewers Trump, Ivanka, Sessions

Alec Baldwin might not want to do his popular Donald Trump impression much longer, but that didn't stop the A-lister from skewering the president again in this week's "Saturday Night Live."

Here are some must-see moments from the show, hosted by actress Scarlett Johansson:

>> Alec Baldwin might not play Trump on 'SNL' much longer; here's why

1. "Alien Attack Cold Open": In the opening sketch, Baldwin offers his take on how the commander-in-chief would handle an alien invasion.

After Baldwin's Trump says he'd "bring coal back" to counter an extra-terrestrial military strike, an Army officer (Kenan Thompson) frantically asks, "But, Mr. President, what about the aliens? They just vaporized the entire state of California!"

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"So then I won the popular vote?" Trump-as-Baldwin replies.

"Sir, please," says an exasperated Thompson. "Everyone in California is dead."

"Even Arnold?" Baldwin's Trump says.

>> Watch the sketch here

2. "Translator": In this bit, Johansson plays a liberal scientist who invents a device that can translate a pet's thoughts. But much to her dismay, her invention reveals that her own dog is a secret Trump supporter.

"Max, I'm sorry, but you're just a dog. You don't know what you're talking about," she says after the dog sings Trump's praises.

"Excuse me, Helen, but yes, I do," the dog responds. "It's that condescending attitude that made people want to vote for Trump in the first place."

>> Click here to watch the full sketch (WARNING: Viewer discretion advised)

3. "Complicit": Johansson again takes the spotlight in a perfume ad questioning the first daughter's brand of feminism. The name of the fragrance? Complicit.

"She's a woman who knows what she wants and knows what she's doing. Complicit," a sultry voiceover croons, later adding, "A feminist, an advocate, a champion for women. But, like, how?"

>> Watch the ad here

4. "Weekend Update: Al Franken and Jeff Sessions": In the "Weekend Update" segment, Attorney General Jeff Sessions (Kate McKinnon) and Minnesota Sen. Al Franken (Alex Moffat) spar over revelations that Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak before the 2016 election.

"It is true you caught old Br'er Sessions in the liar patch again, and I am powerful sorry, my friend, so may I correct the record?" McKinnon's Sessions drawls.

>> 'Saturday Night Live' mocks Jeff Sessions, Kellyanne Conway in 'Forrest Gump' parody

"OK, can you place your hand on the Bible please?" Moffat's Franken replies.

"Of course," "Sessions" says, putting a fake hand on the Bible.

"Mr. Sessions, it appears you placed a Halloween-type prop in place of an actual hand," Moffat-as-Franken says.

"Well, you did not specify my biological hand," McKinnon's Sessions quips.

>> Watch the segment here