As commentators wondered whether Melania Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention had too many similarities to one given by Michelle Obama in 2008, one Republican asked: Did both women lift their comments from "My Little Pony?"

"Let's put things in perspective," Sean Spicer, communications director for the Republican National Convention, told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday afternoon. "We have a 2,000-word statement. We're talking about 70 words; three passages."

The passages in question appear to bear a startling similarity to Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2008.

"I mean, if we want to take a bunch of phrases and run them through Google and say 'Hey, who else has said them?' I can come up with a list in five minutes, and that's what this is," Spicer said.

He provided a few examples. In Trump's speech, she said, "You work hard for what you get in life." Singers John Legend and Kid Rock were both quoted as saying, "Work hard to be anything you want in life."

"Melania Trump said, 'The strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them,'" Spicer said. "Twilight Sparkle, from 'My Little Pony' said, 'This is your dream; anything you can do in your dreams you can do now.'"

"I just quoted Twilight Sparkle from 'My Little Pony.' She said something similar too. So did Mrs. Obama plagiarize her? I would never say that. But these are common phrases that were used over and over again," Spicer said.

The comparison drew criticism on social media.