Ivanka Trump says any type of harassment in the workplace is "inexcusable."

"If it transpires, it needs to be reported. It has to be dealt with on a company level. ... You hope you have a culture in which they don't arise. But when they do, it needs to be dealt with swiftly," Trump said in an interview on Fox News' "On the Record."

The daughter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump was speaking about her father's campaign Tuesday when the topic of sexual harassment was brought up.

When asked about what his daughter would do if she were harassed at work, Donald Trump told USA Today, "I would like to think (Ivanka) would find another career or find another company."

And earlier Tuesday, Ivanka Trumps's younger brother, Eric, tried to explain his father's comment a bit more clearly.

"I think what he was saying was Ivanka is a strong, powerful woman who won't allow herself to be, you know, objected to it," Eric Trump said on CBS This Morning.

Ivanka Trump has spoken about sexual harassment before, acknowledging she was on the receiving end of some of it in her book "The Trump Card: Playing to Win in Work and Life."

But she took a harder stand Tuesday on Fox News. In her book, she advises her readers, "Learn to figure out when a hoot or a holler is indeed a form of harassment and when it's merely a good-natured tease that you can give back in kind."