If you were watching the debate among the “undercard” Republican presidential candidates Tuesday, you may have caught Sen. Lindsey Graham’s fiery performance
At one point, talking about Jihadists, Graham said dramatically, "You can't deter these guys - they're ready to die, bring on the virgins. Dying is 1st place in their world."
Yes, he said, “Bring on the virgins,” to make his point.
The line gave Graham a boost, at least, on social media, although maybe not in the way he intended.
At any rate, it’s not the first time Graham has used the line.
At an event in May 2014, for instance, Graham used the same words when he addressed a conservative family group.
Graham was making his point, claiming President Obama’s announced withdrawal times from Afghanistan made the world more dangerous because the withdrawal of U.S. troops would embolden terrorists.
"They don't mind dying,” he said. “Dying is first prize for these people. So bring on the virgins."
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