Only one of the core metro Atlanta counties still has a majority-white population.

It's Cobb County, and that will be changing within just a few years, according to projections by Woods & Poole Economics Inc,. a Washington firm that specializes in county data.

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Using Woods & Poole data, the AJC has created an interactive tool that shows racial and ethnic trends in every county in Georgia, beginning in 1990 and projected out to 2050. Among the findings:

Gwinnett: This year, four in 10 residents are white, down from nearly nine in 10 in 1990, while two in 10 residents are Hispanic.

Cobb: White residents will account for 49.6 percent of the county's total population in 2021. Twenty years from now, blacks and whites will be almost even (at about 36 percent each), and Hispanics will account for 20 percent of the population.

Fulton: By 2050, people of Asian/Pacific Islander heritage will slightly outnumber African-Americans.

DeKalb: White residents were still in the majority in 1990, but the county became majority black by 1996. By the late 2030s, both the black and white populations of DeKalb will be declining as a percent of total population.

» The AJC's new RE:Race page