Georgia-based pastor Kenneth Adkins will only be preaching to inmates for a while after he was convicted Monday on eight charges, including five counts of child molestation.
According to Action News Jax the jury deliberated for two hours before declaring Adkins guilty of molesting a boy younger than 16 at his church seven years ago.
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Atkins made a name for himself after the Pulse Nightclub shootings in Orlando when he bashed the LGBT community in a string of tweets. He wrote, “I know y’all want some special attention…y’all are sinners who need Jesus. This was an attack on America.” In another tweet, the pastor wrote that homosexuals “got what they deserve.” Since then, he has set his tweets so that they cannot be seen but his Twitter bio claims that he is “one of the most respected black conservative voices in America.”
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SavannahNow reported, "Atkins showed no emotion as the jury provided the verdict," and that though he has been married four times and fathered 10 children, no family was present. His attorney said that he will file appeals and that he believes the state "deliberately withheld pertinent evidence." He also said that he was stunned by how quickly the verdict was returned.
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