I am shocked and dismayed by the basic lack of understanding of ethics and morals in the officials using government issued credit cards. My momma taught me better than that before I was ten years old.

Bonuses for VA employees in Phoenix and school workers in Atlanta are pure theft.

I suggest we cancel all the tourism planned in Mexico since they can’t act reasonably in regards to our citizens.

Hard to turn down a puppy that rolls over for a tummy rub

I sold my business in 1991 and had to collect overdue bills. One guy told me that since I was out of business he didn’t owe me any more. When he wrote his mortgage check and it was declined by the bank, he then realized that by not paying his bill, ignoring the demand letters and my small claims summons was for real. Amazing how fast he came in with cash.

To some you have to explain that business casual is not the outfit you wear on a corner of Fulton Industrial Boulevard.

A) It’s against the law to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. B) Bicycles are required to stop for stop signs just as motorized vehicles are.

We’re producing more gas than ever. The price of gas is controlled by speculators no matter what talking points you’re being fed.

“Hard time” is not what it used to be. Now criminals watch DirecTV, work out, get college degrees and end up suing their accusers in court. The death penalty is once and for all justice. Lets go back to public hangings. Bring the family and a picnic lunch. That would stick in a lot of young folk’s mind and make them do right.

Utah high school Photoshops yearbook pics to make them less sexy? Beware of the American Taliban.

Maybe the VA System and Federal government should have to play by the same rules that our community hospitals and healthcare facilities must play by - it’s called pay-to-performance and it means you get a cut in your payments if you don’t perform.

If current trends continue, the VA will be able to claim a higher body count on our veterans than the enemy troops could.

A death sentence is better than a life sentence. There is a zero chance of recidivism with a death sentence, if it’s carried out.

When I bring my gun to the library do I need to bring my silencer?

Bicycles don’t belong on the sidewalk!

I see a lot of preachers condemning homosexuality but are mum on adultery, which should be worse since it is listed in the 10 Commandments.

Looking through my files for an old receipt, I see that the receipts printed on thermal paper have faded so badly you cannot read them. I guess the retailers are getting the last laugh using “disappearing ink” on their receipts.

Back of tractor trailer gave number to report bad driving. Turns out it was dial-a-prayer.

Actually donkeys (and mules) are quite smart. A horse will let you work it to death but a donkey or mule will lay down when somebody is trying to make them do something that will hurt them.

Please do not place your bags of dog poo in my trash can unless you leave your name and address so that I can return the favor. Thanks.

Cobb County chairman, it looks like $400 million is now the new $300 million. Thanks for not letting us have any say or vote.