Criminals are always reported as remorseful, especially when they get caught.

Spock: Lived long and prospered.

To all the people who are wanting to do something to the Teacher Retirement System: Go spend a week in a classroom and see if you don't think teachers deserve a pension .

Not everybody works in an office or works on a computer.

If you jumped off the bridge in Paris, you would be in Seine.

There are few actions by any branch of government at any level that are not disgraceful.

The speed limit is the law, regardless of the lane. I leave at least one lane open to my left whenever practicable, but if I'm positioning to turn left you'll just have to deal with it.

If you were a single dad, it sort of limited your options of having more children — or at least should have.

The worst part about Hillary being president is having to listen to her cackling laugh for four years.

What is the plural of selfies? Is it "selvies"?

I've always been in favor of capital punishment, but with 20-plus years of appeals and court actions before an execution can take place, it has lost all deterrence! So, I think it's time to abolish it and save the money. Plus, what if we are wrong about the conviction, an innocent person dies.

Wait til somebody gets a ticket for driving the speed limit in the fast land and challenges it in a higher court. The Slow Poke Law will be gone with the wind.

How immature that the painter of Clinton's official portrait added a shadow as a political statement. What a little nerd.