I was a single-dad! I loved raising my daughter. I would have truly loved to have had more children. But, I knew I could not afford it.
Hey Delta: Enough is enough. Your raise ticket pickets and charge fees. Getting a break on fuel is way out of line.
To the ignorant, self-righteous person who thinks they can run the same speed in the far left lanes as the far right lanes and hold up other drivers who want to driver over the speed limit, we do have the Slow Poke law, which says you cannot hold up traffic, even if drivers want to travel over the speed limit. You and the speeder can be ticketed. Check it out if you think I am wrong.
Why do people chew gum on TV? Have they not seen how they look?
Mayor Reed and staff, that was a class act when y'all relocated the seniors in the high rise with no water to a hotel.
Please print the main reason there were not people stranded on interstates and secondary roads last week - Corporate America managers and directors, reluctantly, told their employees to stay home and allowed them to work on their laptops, which is possible every day if they were allowed.
My ex was hot but then she got fake big lips and I dumped her.
This 85-year-old "gal" started the equal pay for equal work and qualifications back in the 1950s.
Who are you and what have you done with my daughter, I said after a recent visit to see my grandchildren!
Oh, you tripped on that snow shovel you gave your wife for Christmas? Pity.
Tell me again why Dunwoody Parkway benches face away from the street.
I can't believe that Congress is playing politics with Homeland Security. Disgraceful!
What is wrong with the more you drive the more you should pay to fix roads and bridges? I say raise the gas tax.
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