I'm constantly amazed at how many people I see doing over 50 miles an hour on the highway with one hand on the wheel, and the other hand and both eyes on their phone. Folks, you're not superhuman, put the phones down and focus on driving before you hurt someone.
You do realize that if the government stopped wasting so much money, they could lower EVERYBODY'S taxes.
Never take a photo that you don't want to see on the front page of the local newspaper! If you choose to do this, don't expect sympathy.
When you hire a pet sitter or a baby-sitter, be up front with her about exactly how much, and WHEN, she will get paid. Don't take it for granted that a delay is no big deal. Your worker might need the money more than you know!
A company is not in business to help you or Americans but to make a profit for the company and shareholders.
Wouldn't it be cheaper for the airlines to give passengers more legroom than to divert flights because of feuding passengers?
Just make it so no one can recline their seat on an airplane. Enough already!
Drivers on Ashford Dunwoody Road should not be allowed to talk on their cellphones. They cannot correctly drive and talk on the phone at the same time.
What's with everyone's obsession with the left lane? Don't blame me. I drive the speed limit in the furthermost right hand lane.
Too bad your single Mom of four did not teach you proper grammar. Your definition of success must be different than mine if you can not even write a grammatically correct sentence.
To the person who wrote: Yeah, you keep hogging that left lane because you feel you are entitled etc. YOU are heading for a serious ROAD RAGE meltdown! Get some help before someone becomes your victim! Leave sooner instead of thinking everyone else needs to get out of your way!
I know every single answer on Jeopardy. I'm just a day late
Unless speaking baby-talk to a child, can we please stop saying "veggies" and call them what they are — vegetables?
I'll believe a corporation is a people when we execute those banking corporations who ruined our country.
Sometimes if you need closed doors, you're hiding something.
How does Romney/Bush (Jeb) grab you in 2016 ? Fellow Rep-republicans ?
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