I would rather use my tax dollars to help rebuild our educational system over building a new stadium!
Tax refunds are not cause for celebration. It's your money and you shouldn't give the government an interest free loan.
What does a testing coordinator at an elementery school do? Maybe if they returned to: here's the test, take the test and grade the test, we could save millions.
Everyone, regardless of skin color or ethnic background, can be racist. All of us need to work together to eliminate bigotry from our lives.
Five hour wait to renew my drivers license after being licensed 50 years!
Happy 40th Birthday Mobile Phone? Wish you were never invented. Life was so much simpler and talking face to face was the norm.
If you're a cyclist and plan to use the new dedicated bicycle lanes on Paces Ferry, I'd leave next of kin info.
Dear Ga Lottery Commission: if we all buy lottery tickets will you please stop with those painfully stupid radio commercials?
Unrealistic and unattainable goals set by the No Child Left Behind Law has as much to do with the Atlanta School cheating scandal as the greed of the educators involved.
Conservative Democrats are Blue Dog Democrats and the Georgia woods are full of them.
If customers are the ones actually paying corporate taxes, why do corporations go to such elaborate measures to avoid paying taxes?
It has been 6 years since I graduated high school and not once have I used algebra!
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