The Vent

There is no credible evidence linking autism to vaccinations, but there is plenty of evidence linking death to "childhood" diseases.

Wow, weapons were banned at the mall where three people got shot. I guess the shooter didn't read the sign.

If only there was a vaccination against the stupidity of those people who think that just because they survived a disease it is "no big deal." They obviously never heard of other people who died of the same thing.

So, you're terrified of Ebola, which is hardly contagious at best, but won't vaccinate your kids against measles, which is EXTREMELY contagious?

God forbid that lawmakers legalize cannabis oil. That could lead to people smoking pot, which already can be purchased in 15 minutes in any public high school.

We all know that Chipper Jones is not the brightest bulb so we are not surprised that he tweeted something stupid about the Sandy Hook killings being a hoax.

Hate all the snow up North, it will make them want to move South.

Hey limo driver! You don't own the road. Speed it up or move it over!

Jenny McCarthy may have had the looks, but her cousin Melissa definitely got the brains and talent in that family.

If you lie and get caught, you get fired. If you tell the truth and get caught, you get fired. Can't win either way.

Computers are a wash. Every problem they solve, they cause another one. Every good they do, they cause a bad.

If you want to live the American Dream - move to India, China or the Philippines - thanks corporate America.

You're right it is all about me, me , me. I could care less about you, you ,you.