When at graduation and the announcer says hold your applause until all diplomas have been handed out, why is that so hard for some people to grasp?
Did I miss something? When did it become OK to run from the police?
I'm 68 years old and can drive drunk better than your texting 17-year-old honor student.
Georgia drivers tend to have "The Hulk" syndrome. They get into their cars, slap their cellphones to their ear, and become huge green monstrosities with nothing but road rage the moment they start their cars.
I watched the graduation video in which the principal singled out the black people for leaving. I did not see racism, but I did see someone who was unprofessional, causing as much of a disruption as the so-called goober and those leaving.
Mayor Kasim Reed stated that the city has the largest reserve, $145 million since he took office, and Porsche gave him $500,000. Why can't he pay the Atlanta school system the money he owe them? That's arrogance at the highest level.
Republicans have started beating up on Jeb. He's been stumbling over questions about Iraq this week.
It is not hate just because someone disagrees with your point of view, holds certain politicians in contempt, and is disgusted by their antics.
Children are much more interesting than adults.
Before anyone says, "Well corporate dividends were already taxed," let's note that the corporation made a choice about becoming a corporation. It could have chosen a partnership or other structure. There are huge advantages in being a corporation, so there ought to be some costs.
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