Why do we keep comparing ourselves to other countries? Who cares of they pay pigs to plow fields in Pago Pago? What does it matter to me if Papua New Guinea and America are the only countries who don't pay for three years of maternity leave? Some countries do some things better than us, some worse. I'm just proud to be American.

The yield sign at the end of the ramp is for you!

There’s a vast difference between thinking you can end all poverty, and trying to alleviate someone’s poverty.

I was told the Bible says, "the poor will always be with us." So any project we take to end poverty will always end in defeat. That scripture didn't mean you don't try to help people.

I really like the idea Lee May has to build a new municipal building on Memorial Drive. That way the elected officials and bureaucrats can walk the 200 yards directly to the DeKalb county jail.

Allowing corporations to spend lots of money on campaign contributions wouldn't give them any influence if there weren't so many stooges who are influenced by campaign ads.

I have not read the Vent in a while. Yep! People are still crazy. Carry on.

Do people who resent "the one percent" realize that plenty of their fellow ninety-nine percenters are also living pretty darn well?

The Braves' new hitting coach says he's going to make B.J. a good hitter? Have the Braves given this guy a sobriety test?

So you want to cut unemployment benefits, Social Security, Medicaid, and other safety nets. I hope you get your wish the day before you need them.

I think Craigslist should be shut down. There are just too many wackos in the world.

No! I don't think the Braves bridge needs to be paid for by Cobb County public. Glad they are coming to Cobb but I'm sorry all these details need to completed before you tells us they are coming. Stop the surprises.

So, gas is cheap, but my 401(K) is way down. Can't win!

Cops have never seen a lane they didn't want to close.

Am I the only one who drives badly just to make you vent?