Am I the only one that thinks spending $100 million+ for a 2.7 mile long and 4 car street car system is insane?
In the category of wasted money, you can add the stop lights at the end of the interstate entrance ramps.
You're complaining the $1.4 billion for the stadium should fill potholes instead? You want a private citizen to fix broken infrastructure? Stop electing loser mayors!
Police have the right to ask anyone where they're going and we have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer.
I have an old car and good insurance. So go ahead and tailgate me!
I'm tired of casual dress and would be very happy to see the men and women I do business with dress as if they cared about my business.
Those who plan to balloon lift DVD's and thumb drives to N. Korea for folks to see a movie are making a huge assumption regarding access to computers, DVD players, and spare electricity.
People actually watch wrestling on TV?
I hope the NCAA will adopt the same behavior policies the NFL has in place.
A longtime adviser to former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke donated money to House Majority Whip Scalise. So the question is, did he accept money knowing his racist past or did he think this wouldn't come out. His judgment is not good either way.
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