With all the distractions in the world, no one is talking about the soaring food , fuel and utilities prices skyrocketing
I don’t personally think even an Abraham Lincoln or a Roosevelt would be enough to turn the tide in America. Until the rank and file of “we the people’ become personally involved in voting for people who have convictions and stand for truth America will not change.
You are not wrong to not hire a guy with tattoos on his face. He had the choice to get the tattoos and you have the choice not to hire him because of them. He may miss a really great employer, you may miss a really great employee. We all have to live with our choices.
C’mon people, four-way stops really aren’t that difficult.
Until the revolving door stops the career criminals are going to keep doing their crimes. Sadly, it takes someone to die to stop the door.
The man showing the gun to the kids at the park should have his permit taken away. Carry permits should be taken seriously and you should only pull you gun if you intend to use it period!
Why can’t Atlanta turn the expressway lights on at night? Why are they there? For decoration?
It would be interesting to hear Barack & Michelle Obama’ private conversations. You betcha…
Here’s the problem. I don’t know if you’re “lawfully” carrying or not if you brandish a weapon in public. So I will always assume the worst and call the authorities.
Every time it rains the MARTA Civic Center rail station floods. This has been going on for over a year. I wonder what MARTA new management is doing to correct this issue.
I’m not opposed to guns. I’m opposed to senseless killing. Guns are just a symptom of the problem.
Kelly Marlow’s tea party advocates prison for felons. This should apply to her. Maybe she will learn a lesson and be a better citizen. I hope the judge doesn’t wimp out.
The church is the people but they worship in Gods house. You wouldn’t tear down St. Patrick’s Cathedral for a ball park so why would a church in Atlanta be less important in God’s eyes?
I’m not opposed to guns. I’m opposed to guns at the airport. I’m opposed to weak background checks. I’m opposed to semi- and automatic weapons in the hands of citizens. And I’m opposed to the police not being allowed to ask to see you permit for carrying in a public place.
Be careful what you wish for. The toll booth is gone , how do you like the additional traffic now?
What could possibly go wrong with a redneck with a two digit IQ carrying a gun in public? Shouldn’t we have some minimum training standards.
Doing society a favor for killing a man when our justice system prescribes prison time? And I’m the one without values?
The person who thinks that a bicyclist riding on a dark, winding road is suicidal, shows the kind of callous indifference for human life that has taken over this country. How sad.
The Revolutionary War is why we have a 2nd amendment. It was put in place because, without a standing army, it was necessary to have an armed citizenry if ever attacked. Now that we have an army…
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