I’m in favor of cutting all political salaries in half and giving the proceeds to the Veterans' Administration as a down payment of the debt we owe all of them.
We live in the day of disposable everything. I just wish we hadn’t included the American heroes in the mix. Don’t forget what we owe to those who risked their lives to keep America FREE. It’s not reasonable to throw them under the bus.
Here’s a stupid question -- why are we giving foreign aid to Mexico? Think about it!
As my grandpa said 15 years ago, in the old days they were “confirmed bachelors” or “spinster women.” We all knew they were gay but a person’s sex life was NOBODY else’s business so it DID NOT matter.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
I do not know how, where or when we lost America, but we did.
Shall we feed the fat politicians and starve the veterans?
America is become more and more like a spoiled child — always thinking selfishly. That was not on the minds of those veterans who fought several wars for you. Now, blame it, think of somebody besides your almighty self!
Dear Mother, I miss you every day and more on Mother's Day.
Where can I get one of those Georgia credit cards for food with the peach symbols on it?
GDOT: reactionary, not visionary
If GSU doesn’t get Turner Field, can we say "payoff"?
If you put your yard bags of leaves, etc., by the street and limbs on the land by the curb, the city will pick them up. Okay, Wayne Avenue Jonesboro neighbors?
I’m the one who sent the “educated women” vent. I’m not a “disgruntled feminist.” I’m perfectly happy and fulfilled, and you need to look more closely at the dogma you believe in if you think my vent was wrong.
Now that Michael Sam has broken the barrier, in theory, Todd Chrisley could get drafted into the NFL.
Why do people sniff their food before eating it? Is that not what animals do before they eat?
You gay-haters just do not want to admit your viewpoints are ignorant and backwards. That kiss wasn’t sexy or gratuitous. Get over yourselves.
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