Some people receiving minimum wage are overpaid.
Mayor Reed, I see our soldiers are safer in Afghanistan than they are in Atlanta.
If those people who are coughing and sneezing would stay home, they wouldn't spread their viruses all over the town.
"Too dark windows" tickets are written all the time. I got one in Smyrna, where the city arms cops with light meters and views such tickets as a cash cow for the city. Blacked-out windows are commonplace in Florida, but are illegal in Georgia.
I can't tell the difference between 20 degrees and 0 degrees when I am sitting in my living room.
Governor Deal may have done the one thing that will keep him from being re-elected: ticking off the state's teachers about their new health insurance plan.
After a while, walking around in circles begins to feel like walking in a straight line.
It's amazing how many people bash paying taxes and entitlements when they themselves are benefiting from tax money that's paid by others.
I pay a lot of taxes and I don't mind doing it to ensure kids have access to education and medical care.
National defense, police, firefighters, public education, public libraries, water, sewers, county road upkeep… oh, those terrible socialist programs!
Georgia Tea Party Chairman J.D. Van Brink thinks we have no choice but to make major cuts to education spending. He probably supports cuts because he knows the only way the Tea Party can sustain success is to keep Georgians uneducated and ignorant.
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