The citizens of the United States, well, 80%, are sick and tired of the name calling, the accusing of this and that. Sit down and get it done or just resign. If you cannot get along and run this country like you were elected to do, go back home.

It makes me sick to watch our country split in half arguing on the behalf of dishonest politicians. What drives so many of you to do this knowing they couldn't care less about you?

Who is the sizable group of people the president mentioned that are offended by the name "Washington Redskins"?

Is there anything more unethical than behaving unethically while serving on an ethics panel?

Just like with picking a jury, our country needs an unbiased group of experts to explain the facts and lies being presented by Congress and the president. This would completely do away with all the BS campaign-like rhetoric being spewed out each day.

Furlough the furloughers.

The Constitution does not address rampant voter fraud and cheating, which voter ID laws do.

I have three words for the members of Congress: Shame on you!

If you're dead set on being a narrow-minded Democrat or Republican, at least vote your incumbent out during the primaries.

Can we get a "worst" button?

Congratulations Vent Guy (if you're still around), you succeeded in printing Saturday's vents 100% anti-Republican.

If you say "Roll Tide," I will just walk away because the hope for further "intelligent" conversation is non-existent!

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