Q: If I remember correctly, when MARTA was first proposed, there was a stub line shown on the planning maps, sort of beginning to follow I-75 to the northwest toward Cobb County. Although this line was never implemented, was the stub tunnel excavated and was any switch installed and track laid?

-- Jim Farley, Smyrna

A: The original MARTA planning map showed a proposed rail line traveling northwest from the Arts Center station to Cobb County, MARTA officials told Q&A on the News in an email. In 1984, a tunnel was cut-in and the concrete track bed prepared for direct fixation fasteners and rail. This tunnel segment is only a few hundred feet and was constructed to allow for future transit expansion, officials said. No switch steel or rails have been installed in the tunnel.

Q: How many Palestinian prisoners are being held in Israeli prisons?

-- William McKee Jr., Flowery Branch

A: Israel is holding more than 4,000 Palestinian prisoners after swapping 477 prisoners last week in exchange for Sgt. Gilad Schalit, The Washington Post reported. Schalit had been held since being captured by militants in a raid in June 2006. In two months, Israel is planning to release 550 more Palestinian prisoners, who were imprisoned for crimes ranging from theft to sneaking into the country to carry out attacks, bringing the total swapped for Schalit to 1,027, according to The Associated Press.

Andy Johnston wrote this column. Do you have a question about the news? We’ll try to get the answer. Call 404-222-2002 or email q&a@ajc.com (include name, phone and city).