Smyrna will pay $4.5 million to widen Spring Road

The Smyrna City Council agreed 7-0 Monday to pay $4.5 million for the widening of Spring Road near the Braves stadium.

Baldwin Paving Company was the low bidder.

The project affects Spring Road between Cobb Parkway and Woodruff Drive and part of the Cumberland Boulevard approach to Spring Road with the installation of a median, curb and gutter, asphalt paving and striping, traffic signal equipment, storm and sanitary sewer piping, water lines and landscaping.

Also, this project includes a Cobb County project to upgrade the signal timing, using a SCATS intelligent traffic management system, on Spring Road from Cobb Parkway through Jonquil Drive.

Work should begin in January and be completed by fall.

Funding will come from the 2016 Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.