A $26,000 contract with Capturing Kids’ Hearts was approved on June 18 by the Marietta Board of Education to provide social-emotional training and resources for the children at Park Street Elementary School.

Capturing Kids’ Hearts is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative developed by the Flippen Group and designed to improve student outcomes by fostering relationships between staff and students as well as relationships between students and their peers, according to Marietta City Schools Superintendent Dr. Grant Rivera.

Schools initiating Capturing Kids’ Hearts have noted a reduction in discipline referrals and improved student achievement, he added.

Funding sources will be $19,500 from consolidated funds and $6,500 from a Capacity Grant.

In a related matter on June 18, the board members recognized StoneBridge Church for their ongoing support of Park Street Elementary.

This past spring, StoneBridge Church donated $50,000 for classroom libraries at Park Street.

Open since 1942, Park Street Elementary will be demolished and replaced for an estimated $17 million on the same site at 105 Park St. SE, Marietta.

The new school is expected to be open by August 2020.

This new facility will be around 70,000 square feet, multi-story and steel-framed with classroom instructional units, a cafeteria, kitchen, media center and gymnasium.

Funding will come from 2018 Bond Proceeds/E-SPLOST V with approval of the voters on the E-SPLOST V referendum.

Information: FlippenGroup.com/education/capturing-kids-hearts-1, pbis.org/school/swpbis-for-beginners/pbis-faqs, StoneBridgeMarietta.org, marietta-city.org/ParkStreet, youtu.be/XIvWQ4086A0