The Lawrenceville City Council voted recently to approve an amendment to the General Code of Ordinances to change the requirements for property maintenance for undeveloped property.
Grass, weeds or uncultivated vegetation may not exceed 12 inches in height on premises and exterior property. Property owners of developed property are required to maintain the right-of-way from the property line to the street curb in the same manner. This regulation is not applied to undeveloped property or to portions of developed property where the intent is to leave the property in its natural state, nor to allow landscape islands or other designed areas to return to a natural state due to a lack of maintenance.
However, undeveloped properties and portions of developed property where the intent is to leave the property in its natural state still must maintain a 12-inch height along the right-of-way frontage at a minimum distance of 20 feet and 20 feet from adjacent developed property.
Exceptions include required stream and zoning buffers, but vegetation within buffers must be maintained so that it does not encroach onto other properties.
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