The first of two public hearings was held Monday by the Kennesaw City Council on whether to allow brewpubs in the city.

A final vote is expected during the 6:30 p.m. Nov. 7 meeting after the second public hearing at Kennesaw City Hall, 2529 J.O. Stephenson Ave., Kennesaw. Also a part of this ordinance change, growler shops would be allowed to serve samples and sell flights of wine for consumption on-site.

A brewpub is any dining establishment in which beer or malt beverages are manufactured or brewed and where at least half of its annual total sales come from prepared meals or food. Not required to sell or serve food, a growler shop is any establishment selling only malt beverages, craft beer and/or hard cider as both package sales and limited consumption on the premises.

Wine may be added to the city’s growler shop definition. Information: