In preparation for the March 19 Transit Referendum, Gwinnett will host a series of open house education sessions. The first 5 sessions will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on the following dates:

• Jan. 22 at Bogan Park Community Recreation Center, 2723 North Bogan Road in Buford

• Jan. 23 at Pinckneyville Park Community Recreation Center, 4650 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. in Berkeley Lake

• Jan. 24 at Mountain Park Activity Building, 1063 Rockbridge Road in Stone Mountain

• Jan. 28 at Grayson City Hall Senior Center, 475 Grayson Parkway in Grayson

• Jan. 30 at George Pierce Park Community Recreation Center, 55 Buford Highway in Suwanee

These sessions are open to the public and residents are welcome to drop in anytime.

Gwinnett residents will go to the polls March 19 to vote on a contract for the provision of expanded transit services. If the referendum passes, Gwinnett’s transit system and services will expand based on Gwinnett’s plan and its contract with MARTA. The expansion will be funded through a one-cent sales tax for transit.

Information about the contract: Information about the transit plan: