There are so many ways a vacation can go wrong. Moped crashes. Spitting llamas. Poorly done rappelling through canyons. And if you get footage, the Travel Channel's "When Vacations Attack" is there to air it.

A Cave Spring, Ga., family's vacation will be featured Sunday at 8 p.m. According to the Rome News-Tribune, the show will feature video from Kenneth Agan's 1994 trip to the White House, when a gunman tried to assassinate then-President Bill Clinton.

"It’s unreal that I got that on video," Agan told the newspaper. "Everybody was screaming and running away. But I saw he was shooting at the White House and not into the crowd, so I pulled the camera up and kept taping."

Cave Spring is about 75 miles northwest of Atlanta, near the Alabama border.

See the full story of the Washington, D.C., vacation footage here.