Notices of annual assessment have gone out by mail to property owners from the Forsyth Board of Tax Assessors, the county announced.

The Tax Assessors based their numbers on reviews of about 7,500 sales; they also adjusted their building cost tables after determining previous tables were too low, officials said.

Properties in Georgia are assessed at 40 percent and must fall between 36 and 44 percent of market value for a tax digest to be approved. The Georgia Department of Audits last year found Forsyth assessing at 38.72 percent, and an internal study shows that figure at 38.95 percent in 2018, after reassessments.

The homestead exemption increases the same amount as any reassessment and applies to the county maintenance and operation millage and fire millage. “You should see no increase in your taxes if the millage rate remains the same on this portion of your tax bill,” officials said.

The exemption does not apply to county bonds or school taxes, but those above age 65 can receive a school tax exemption. Information: