The kindness of a stranger, and help from people on social media, has reunited a child and their beloved stuffed animal.

Chelsea Payne posted a photo of the stuffed animal on a north Georgia Facebook page Sunday.

She said she found it in a Kroger parking lot in Dawsonville.

“I know someone is missing this. It looks worn out! I’m sure it’s loved. If anyone knows who’s this is, let me know,” Payne wrote.

The photo was shared more than a hundred times. Among dozens of comments, Payne returned to the post Monday and shared a follow-up, but this time it was good news: one photo: of a card from the owners’ mother.

The card contained an appreciative note, photo of two children, and $20 bill.

“Chelsea, You quite literally saved our lives tonight. The tiny lamb you found in the parking lot is our daughter’s dearest friend. Her name is Lulu, and she has been my oldest lovie for 6 years now! As you can tell, she has led a life of adventure as she goes everywhere with us! Now she has a new story to share! Thank you for not throwing her away despite her worn appearance! She is very precious to us!”

Comments were filled with praise for the good Samaritan who tried and succeeded in finding its owner.

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