Gwinnett commissioners on Tuesday approved the purchase of drug testing supplies used by the county’s accountability courts. The $100,000 annual contract with low bidder Microgenics Corporation will provide the analyzer and testing agents used within the drug testing laboratory to conduct drug screens.

Grant funds awarded by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council will be used to purchase the drug testing supplies.

Gwinnett accountability courts include drug, DUI, mental health, veterans and pre-trial diversion courts. As an example, the drug court is a four-phase intervention program for adults who have pled guilty to one or more non-violent drug offenses and who are having difficulty staying clean and sober.

Efforts between the Superior Court, District Attorney’s office, defense attorneys, police agencies, probation and drug treatment programs seek to provide a variety of programs and consistent supervision geared toward reaching a drug-free life. Drug court involves frequent court appearances, random drug testing, group and individual counseling. The drug court awards incentives for compliant behavior and imposes sanctions for undesirable behavior.
