The "Happily Ever After" fireworks show happens every night at Disney's Magic Kingdom. However, residents around the park told WFTV's Jeff Deal that the fireworks are dropping a mess all over their cars and yards.

Ashes and small pieces of card board are falling on vehicles and yards at the Windermere Cay Luxury apartments after the fireworks shows, residents say.

"You have to pay for it every day to get it cleaned off, plus God only know what damage it's doing to my car," Rob, who didn't want to give his last name, told WFTV.

He and other residents told Eyewitness News that ever since the "Happily Ever After" show replaced "Wishes" last month, they’ve had to deal with debris.

Many voiced their frustrations to Eyewitness News, while others said it wasn’t that big of a deal.

"It's expected. I mean if you're living here, you're less than a mile away from the launch point,” Victor Salcedo said.

Many pointed out they didn’t have a problem with firework debris and ashes from previous firework displays from Wishes.

"It's very aggravating. I'd like them to stop the fireworks or change it to something else,” Rob said.

Eyewitness News reached out to Disney officials for comment around 1 p.m. Thursday and they said needed more time to respond.

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