Cops search 218 acres of north Ga. hunting land for missing DeKalb mom

Cecilia Bustamante has been missing from Chamblee since October.

Cecilia Bustamante has been missing from Chamblee since October.

Chamblee police won’t divulge why they chose 218 acres of hunting land in north Georgia to search for Cecilia Bustamante — “yet.”

Capt. Ernesto Ford also said there were no updates “yet” in the missing person’s case from October, when she left home mysteriously. The search in Hart County on Monday turned up no evidence, Ford said.

The 42-year-old woman left her credit and debit cards, ID, passport and her 7-year-old son, though police weren't notified she was gone until Dec. 2. That was after relatives in Maryland grew concerned after she missed Thanksgiving.

Police have said she was possibly in “grave danger or worse” after she disappeared.

The search of the land shows such fears persist.

Bustamante had recently moved to a home off Meadowood Lane in Chamblee and previously lived in the Lindbergh area of Atlanta.

Police have said the woman likely didn’t leave on her own, though no charges have been filed and no suspects have been named.

Chamblee police can be reached at 770-986-5005.

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