District 10 Councilmember Andrea Boone is hosting a district-wide community cleanup 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday with World Mission Society Church of God.

“This is our third year hosting a community cleanup with World Mission Society Church of God. We are thankful for everyone’s effort on this important event,” Boone said.

According to a press release, volunteers are meeting at the C.T. Martin Natatorium and Recreation Center, 3201 M.L.K. Jr. Drive SW, to kick off the cleanup. Volunteers should arrive by 9 a.m.

“We are very excited about this Sunday’s cleanup, and to introduce our university student group ASEZ (the acronym stands for saving the Earth from A to Z),” said Jacob Lee, pastor of World Mission Society Church of God. “Our church performs many environmental protection efforts throughout the world, and we share one goal, share the love of a mother with all 7 billion people of the world.”

Boone is also partnering with Keep Atlanta Beautiful Commission and the City of Atlanta Department of Corrections for the cleanup.

Information: 404-330-6055.

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On the steps of City Hall on Fed. 17, 2025 Atlanta's Inspector General Shannon Manigault announces she will resign after nearly a year-long feud with the Dickens administration over how much power the watchdog office has. (Riley Bunch/riley.bunch@ajc.com)

Credit: Riley Bunch/riley.bunch@ajc.com