Operation Meal Plan is available to help those in need in Cobb County.
Developed by the Cobb Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Cobb Community Foundation, the Center for Family Resources and local nonprofits, Operation Meal Plan is designed to provide food to those in need, help Cobb restaurants keep their workers employed and provide a way for citizens to help.
Restaurant owners who are interested in participating are asked to contact Nate Futrell at NFutrell@CobbChamber.org.
Individuals can make donations to pay for meals through a tax-deductible fund at Cobb Community Foundation at cobb.iphiview.com/cobb/Fundholders/OnlineDonation/tabid/542.
For nonprofits that need food, contact Melanie Kagan with the Center for Family Resources at MelanieKagan@thecfr.org.
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