A community service worker who claims he was subjected to inappropriate and sexually suggestive remarks from Canton's director of Public Works said Monday he’s not satisfied that David Cangemi has been disciplined enough by the city. But the city's mayor said no more steps will be taken in the matter.

Bill Bradley said while he performed court-ordered public service last November and December, Cangemi taunted him, saying "hello sweetie" and calling him other suggestive names. .

After Bradley confronted Cangemi in late December about his comments, the director apologized to Bradley and said his comments were meant to be humorous. Cangemi then notified his boss, City Manager Scott Wood, about the accusations. The next day Wood gave Cangemi a letter of reprimand.

Last week, Bradley took his case to the Canton City Council demanding that Cangemi get more punishment than just a written reprimand.

“You think a note in that guy’s file is going to change anything?” Bradley told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Monday. “No. I’m not saying he should be fired. He’s got a home and family. But he could be given a leave of absence without pay.”

Canton Mayor Gene Hobgood said that the council had considered the matter in executive session after Bradley spoke to them, “but it doesn’t appear that there any comments or recommendations about this will be forthcoming from the council as a whole.”

Neither Wood nor Cangemi could be reached for comment Monday.

Wood wrote to Cangemi in the Dec. 29 letter of reprimand that he recognized Cangemi had already apologized to Bradley.  The city manager wrote that he was limiting his discipline of the public works director to a formal reprimand “because you took responsibility for your actions, apologized at your own initiative, and were forthcoming with me during our counseling session in my office.”

Bradley on Monday dismissed Cangemi’s apology as “half-hearted."

"He only did it because I brought it up," Bradley said. "He said, ‘You’re one of the guys, if we didn’t do stuff like that around here, we would all go nuts.' ”