The Brookhaven City Council voted unanimously to approve a special use permit to Racetrac Petroleum Inc. for a gasoline station and convenience store 3630, 3640, 3646 Clairmont Road during a recent council meeting.

The council also voted unanimously to approve placing signs for an all way stop at the intersection of Appalachee and Canoochee drives as well as a rezoning request for Rockhaven homes LLC, to construct 28 single family units located at 1271, 1279 Dresden Drive and 1264, 1268, 1272, 1276 Peachtree View.

The discussion to consider obtaining a short term loan for $3,500,000 was tabled for the next council meeting. The city obtained such short term loans previously for 2013, 2014 and 2015, to pay expenses incurred by the city, because city revenues became available only toward the end of the year. Each loan was repaid during the loan year.