Fourteen-year-old Moriah Wilson is serving as a youth ambassador for McDonald's Champions of Play at the Olympic Games in London. Moriah is a student at Paces Academy in Buckhead. She won the grand prize in the Julie Foudy "Choose to Matter" contest for her "Lil' Hearts of Love" project, which provides handmade pillows, books and encouraging messages to patients in children's hospitals. In February, more than 60,000 people visited the contest web site to vote for their favorite projects. As one of four contest winners from the U.S., Moriah earned an all expenses paid trip to London. The McDonald's Champions of Play program brings kids from around the world to experience the Olympics. The idea was created to support sports programs for kids and promote physical activity and healthy eating.
Will Wright, an eighth grader at Chamblee Middle School in DeKalb, has a video entry about bike helmet safety at The contest is for students in the U.S. and Canada. The student video that receives the most votes through Aug. 19 will win $2,500 for the student and $2,500 for the school. To vote, go to:
Rachel Lee, a student at St. Francis High School in Milton, was one of 16 high school students selected to attend an agricultural careers discovery program at Iowa State University. The two-week program help high school students explore careers in plant and animal science and wildlife management. Students live on campus and learn from university professors and scientists. The focus of ISU's AgDiscovery program is the interconnections between wildlife biology and conservation, laboratory technology and diagnostics, animal science and veterinary medicine.
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