Starting in December, Alpharetta residents will again be able to put out glass for curbside recycling – albeit in separate bins – under an agreement recently reached between the city and its residential waste hauler.
The City Council approved weekly glass recycling pick-ups by BFI Waste Services LLC (Republic Services). The additional cost of the service will be covered as an additional monthly charge of $3 per home.
“Bins will be delivered to households on Nov. 11 and Nov. 18,” according to a staff report to the council. “The bins will be marked, ‘glass only.’ Service is to begin Dec. 4.”
Recycling companies that waste haulers deliver to stopped accepting recyclables with glass mixed in this spring. Most cities directed residents to take glass to central recycling stations, but Alpharetta opted to retain curbside service.
The council also approved extending Republic’s waste-hauling contract through March 2020, and passed a resolution setting residential waste fees. Effective Jan. 1, monthly rates will be $22.39 for 95-gallon service; $21.18 for 68-gallon service; $11.75 for seniors; no charge for senior exempt customers; $6.67 for an extra cart; $3 for an extra 18-gallon bin, and $1 for tag fees.
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