Nearly two dozen French teens plan to visit the Atlanta area in July as part of an international education program, and host families are needed to house the students during their stay.

The program is run through Paris-based Loisirs Culturels à l’étranger and offers French teens a chance to stay in cities throughout the U. S. and experience American life firsthand.

Retired teacher Linda Farmer, who taught French and English in the Cobb County school system nearly 25 years, helps oversee the program and said families throughout the metro area are needed to host the French students from July 8-28.

Loisirs Culturels à l’étranger provides students with medical insurance and gives host families compensation for room and board. Each student has had three to six years of English, depending on age. An excursion bus is expected to take the French teens on sightseeing trips once per week while they’re in Atlanta. No French language skills are needed.

For more information, contact Farmer at or 770-973-2452. Also, see