Some 94 percent of 11th-graders who took the high school writing test for the first time this fall passed it, results released by the state Department of Education shows.

That 94 percent pass rate was down from the 94.9 percent pass rate of 2012, but up slightly from 2011, when 92.9 percent passed the test.

Students must pass the test before graduating.

In metro Atlanta, school districts in Buford City (99.6 percent), Fayette County (99 percent), Forsyth County (98.5 percent) and Cherokee County (98 percent) had the highest pass rates.

DeKalb County had the lowest rate in metro Atlanta, 90.9 percent. In APS, 93.6 percent passed the test. Fulton had 95.9 percent pass it. Clayton’s pass rate was 92.3 percent. Cobb’s was 97.4 percent, and Gwinnett’s was 97 percent.

Each first-time test-taker in Webster and Taliaferro counties pass the test. They were the only counties in the state where all first-time test-takers passed.

At 80 percent, Baker County had the lowest pass rate.