Students at Hamilton E. Holmes Elementary in Atlanta reached their goal of logging 10,000 miles in the the New Balance Foundation Billion Mile Race. Tony Simmons, physical education teacher, said, "I saw an email about" the program "and I immediately thought our school would like to be involved. We like to teach team activities and when we saw that kids across the country would be doing this together, we want to join in and teach teamwork. Being involved in a larger movement was a big incentive for our students. We had an existing walking and running program that was part of the PE curriculum for cardiovascular fitness, however the Billion Mile Race really took it to a new level. The students really connected to the goal and team aspect of The Race. The kids really pushed themselves because they were connected to something greater than just their school. All aspects of physical fitness improved because of their participation in the Billion Mile Race- this is the best we have ever done!"