DeKalb Schools: Math teacher on leave was fired in Ohio for misconduct, abuse

Sandra Meeks-Speller (Courtesy GoFundMe)

Sandra Meeks-Speller (Courtesy GoFundMe)

A math teacher at Chamblee Middle School, previously terminated in Ohio after officials said she physically and verbally assaulted students there, is now on administrative leave from the DeKalb County School District.

Sandra Meeks-Speller has not been in the classroom since Oct. 10, district officials said Monday afternoon via email. They gave no reason for her removal.

Efforts to reach Meeks-Speller were not successful.

Meeks-Speller came to the district this summer from a school district in Columbus, Ohio, according to her personnel file. Before she worked there, she worked as a teacher and administrator at Toledo Public Schools from 1996 to 2013.

According to Meeks-Speller’s personnel file, she stated on her application for employment with the district that she was terminated by the district, but did not mention the allegations made against her there.

“As an administrator, I had a conflict with central office regarding teacher duties,” she wrote.

According to court records, Meeks-Speller was dismissed for not properly handling suspensions and expulsions, and complaints of physical and verbal abuse from staff and parents. A referee appointed by the Ohio Department of Education recommended overturning the termination, saying forces were working negatively against Meeks-Speller and district officials had not proven the level of misconduct suggested.

The court did not agree.

In other Education news:

Elevated lead levels were previously discovered in several schools across the county.