Seven Georgia students are among the 100 students selected to take part in this year's Disney Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey and Essence Magazine. The students, along with a parent or guardian, will receive an all-expense-paid trip to the Walt Disney World Resort March 7-10 for an educational and mentoring program. The students will take part in career workshops and learn communication skills and networking strategies. The students are: Daniel Blues, Grady High School; Lawrence Boyd, Integrity Christian Academy; Kylah Cox, Forest Park High School; Dwymesha McConn, Osborne High School; Gabriel Roberts, KIPP Atlanta Collegiate High School; Jawaun Samuels, Stephenson High School and Ebony Winters, Lakeview Fort-Oglethorpe High School.


Seventy-seven students from Atlanta's Grady High School earned AP Scholar Awards based on their achievement on Advanced Placement exams. Five students at Grady qualified for the National AP Scholar Award by earning a 4 or higher on a five-point scale on all AP exams taken and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of those exams. They are: Ethan Campbell Taylor, Holden Choi; Eloisa Cleveland, Benjamin Dean and Julia Rapaport. AP exams are given in 34 courses allowing students to earn college credit and help them stand out in the college admission process.


The second annual Squishy Physics Food Photography Contest was held recently at Georgia Tech's Clough Undergraduate Learning Center. The competition gave students a chance to showcase their photography while learning about the physics of food and cooking. Students were asked to provide one 8-inch-by-10-inch photographic entry featuring physical characteristics related to food or cooking. Winning entries were judged on appearance, creativity and how well the work demonstrated the connection between science and cooking. First place went to Skyler Hall of Collins Hill High School; second place: Taylor Thomas of Collins Hill and third place: Kendall Zanders of Collins Hill. Honorable mention went to Amish Kumar of Fernbank Elementary School.