While political candidates campaign for national, state and local offices, Helen Smith of the SkillsUSA chapter at Sandy Creek High School campaigned and was elected by her peers as the national organization's Region II vice president. The election took place at the 2016 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Louisville, Ky., in June. Smith spent months developing, designing and producing a campaign identity package through her graphic design class at Sandy Creek. Her slogan was "Live Your Passion." At the conference, she passed out business cards with "What is Your Passion?" printed on them, and invited delegates to write their passion on them and pin the cards to her campaign board. She also participated in question-and-answer sessions with more than 300 delegates. Smith, who is executive vice president of Sandy Creek's SkillsUSA chapter, recently finished eight days of national leadership training and planning at the SkillsUSA National Headquarters in Leesburg, Va.