Prosecutors and lawyers for former Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent Beverly Hall have both asked the Georgia Department of Education for student answer sheets from past administrations of state tests in connection with the Atlanta Public Schools test-cheating case.

Thirteen former educators, including Hall, face criminal charges in a trial scheduled to begin later this year.

According to a notice posted on the Georgia Department of Education website Friday, the lawyers subpoenaed answer sheets from the 2008, 2009 and 2010 administrations of state tests, the Criterion Referenced Competency Test or CRCT.

The information that will be disclosed is limited to students' names, dates of birth, race/ethnicity, identification numbers and answer sheets, according to the notice. A February court order limits access to the answer sheets to defense lawyers and their staff, the district attorney and his staff, and consultants and expert witnesses for both the prosecution and defense.

Parents who believe that their children's answer sheets should not be disclosed can file an objection with the court. You can find information on how to do so here.