Senate reportedly proposing to give more than $1,000 to each American

The U.S. Senate is proposing giving more than the $1,000 checks in two increments that the Secretary of Treasury announced earlier this week, according to sources.

Senators are considering offering two checks of $1,200 per adult across America as a means of a stimulus in the midst of the economic decline many are facing, according to Fox News correspondent Edward Lawrence.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said earlier Thursday that the “checks in the mail” would be direct deposited into people’s accounts under the plan the Trump administration has proposed to Congress.

The payments would be $1,000 per adult and $500 per child so that a family of two parents and two children would receive $3,000, Mnuchin told Fox Business Network. The goal is to get that money out in three weeks, he said.

“That’s a lot of money for hard-working Americans,” Mnuchin said.

He said such families would receive another $3,000 six weeks later if the national emergency still exists. Officials have previously said the money is expected to be allocated by income level, to exclude the super-wealthy.

Details on Trump's economic rescue plan are still being worked out — and it's sure to grow beyond $1 trillion, lawmakers said — but its centerpiece is to dedicate $500 billion to start issuing direct payments to Americans, starting early next month.

The Treasury Department proposed two $250 billion cash infusions to individuals: a first set of checks issued starting April 6, with a second wave in mid-May.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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