Update: Atlanta (DeKalb)

We have an update from a reader who sent us an unusual request months ago.

“I would like to see if I can get your assistance with DeKalb County Roads and Drainage. I have called them for eight months regarding waste and logs piling up in Henderson Mill Creek, in a culvert near my house,” Melanie Watson wrote.

Watson wrote us last week and said the county had removed the logs, but now it looks like the culvert is getting ready to collapse.

We sent the issue to DeKalb County and will let you know when the issue is evaluated and resolved.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov

Item: Decatur (DeKalb)

Jim Hardeman wants answers about a favorite topic in the region: potholes.

“I wanted to see if you can get me an answer about something, and perhaps get something done. My concern is over potholes on both sides of the CSX rail bridge on North Druid Hills Road (between Willivee Drive and Spring Creek Road.) The potholes are in both directions and all lanes. Probably the most serious is in the outside westbound lane on the west side of the bridge,” he wrote.

We sent his issue to DeKalb County and will keep you updated.

Days on the list: 2

Who’s getting it fixed: Communications Manager Andrew Cauthen, acauthen@dekalbcountyga.gov