2021 New Year’s resolutions: The most popular diet trends may surprise you

Mediterranean Diet May Support 'Healthy Aging,' Says Study. This is according to an analysis found in the British Medical Journal, 'Gut.'. The Mediterranean Diet puts an emphasis on vegetables, olive oil, fish, fruits and nuts. As one of the world's healthiest diets, it calls for low intakes of saturated fats, red meat and dairy items. 612 subjects were used for the study, all ranging from 65 to 79 years old. The participants, who hailed from five different countries in Europe, were categorized based on their frailties. Those who stuck to the eating plan after a year showed an increase of "good bacteria" in their guts. and a jump in bacteria linked to better brain health. Subjects also reported faster walking speed and improved grip strength. Duke Diet and Fitness Center nutrition director Elisabetta Politi says this study shows how the diet achieves results within one's body. It's really fascinating to see that those who eat Mediterranean-like achieve these health benefits because they have a more diverse microbiota, Elisabetta Politi, via 'USA Today'

If you ask anyone what their New Year’s resolution is, chances are they’ll say they’re going on a diet.

In 2020, many people have spent more time at home and some have been less active due to isolation at home and lockdowns nationwide preventing people from their usual gym routines. They’ve also been consuming more snack foods than before, according to research.

However, dietitians note that there are several dieting and weight loss trends on the horizon for 2021. Today.com and Everyday Health reported on several that will take over in the new year. Here’s a breakdown of a few diets that you may want to tackle to reach your New Year’s resolution.

Mediterranean Diet

Ranking as the best overall diet on U.S. News & World Report’s new list, this diet emphasizes consuming fruits, fish and olive oil. This diet has heart benefits, according to Johns Hopkins cardiology fellow Dr. Haitham Ahmed.

“What you don’t eat is also important,” Ahmed said. “Large amounts of refined carbohydrates [such as sweets and white bread] can cause blood sugar spikes, which prompt the body to store fat in a different way and can lead to obesity and diabetes.”


You’ve heard of probiotics and prebiotics but postbiotics are probiotics’ end products of the fermentation that occurs in the gut. These metabolites are being examined for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, Today.com reported. It’s possible that they may aid in supporting the immune system, too.

Additionally, studies show that postbiotics could help leaky gut and may aid in preventing Type 2 diabetes.

Intermittent Fasting

Prevention reported that this diet trend, which focuses on cycling between patterns of fasting and eating, is one of the best ones to use to lose weight in 2021.

Registered dietitian Meridan Zerner of Dallas, Texas’ Cooper Clinic told the publication that there’s some evidence that intermittent fasting can increase your metabolism rate.


Kale was all the rage around five years ago, but next year, it’s fresh kelp that will take the glory. The seaweed is filled with minerals including calcium, and offers B vitamins in each serving, Today.com reported. WebMD reported it could aid in diabetes control and help with thyroid health and prevent anemia.

Carnivore Diet

People who follow this diet are required to eat mostly meat as well as fat and some eggs. Despite its growing popularity, it’s not recommended by all experts.

“This is not a healthy or sustainable diet, and there are healthier ways to lose weight,” Amy Gorin, registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of New York City’s Amy Gorin Nutrition told Everyday Health.

Keto Diet

A popular way to drop weight fast, this diet, which involves consuming lots of calories from fat and drastically reducing carbs, doesn’t have substantive research behind it to support its safety and effectiveness in the long term.

“Some negative side effects of a long-term ketogenic diet have been suggested, including increased risk of kidney stones and osteoporosis, and increased blood levels of uric acid (a risk factor for gout),” a diet review from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health noted. “Possible nutrient deficiencies may arise if a variety of recommended foods on the ketogenic diet are not included.”