If you made the decision to stay home with your children in their early years, it could feel a little intimidating to re-enter the workforce.

You've devoted so much of your time to the tending and nurturing of your little ones, but now that they're older, you can enjoy doing something for yourself and get back into the game.


In order to make a successful career comeback after having kids, these strategies, offered by Monster.com, can help you transition from carrying binkies and bottles to carrying a briefcase. 

  • Update your resume Staying home with your children doesn't mean that your resume contains larges gaps of unemployment. Fill in these holes with experience and skills you've gathered over time. If you use a bookkeeping program to organize your family's expenses, or if you've spent time raising money for your child's school or volunteering at your church, add it your resume. Take an inventory of your experiences over the last few years and look for anything relevant to the job field you're trying to break into.
  • Learn a few new skills Software and technology seems to change with the weather, so if you've been out of the workforce for a while, you might consider brushing up on your skills by taking a few courses or classes on the latest programs. Contact your local continuing education program or community college to see what programs they offer, or try taking one of the many free or inexpensive online course through sites like Lynda.comCourseraedXMIT OpenCourseWare or Udacity.
  • Consider getting helpHaving someone on your side that can work with you to help you get your foot in the door can really jump start your new career. If you just need a little advice along the way, consider hiring a career consultant to help you find your path and guide you to the next step. Or, contact a recruiter that can act as a middleman to help you land that interview.
  • Flexibility is keyGetting back into the game after years away means you might have to start out with less-than-ideal hours and less pay. Don't let these little setback deter you from achieving your goals, and remember that it's only temporary. Pretty soon, you'll feel like a seasoned career woman with a schedule and salary to envy. 
  • Network When you're trying to start a new career, especially after spending time away from the workforce, you'll want to network as much as possible to get your name out there. Contact former colleagues, college alumni or other moms that might lead you in the right direction. Becoming a squeaky wheel could mean all the difference.

Looking for a position that allows you to work from home? Check out these top 50 companies hiring for part-time, work-at-home jobs.