Georgia State University names new dean of the Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions


Nancy P. Kropf, associate dean for research and strategic initiatives and professor of social work in Georgia State University’s Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, has been appointed dean of the Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions at Georgia State, effective Aug. 10.

Kropf joined Georgia State in 2006 as a director and professor in the School of Social Work until becoming the associate dean of the school in 2013.

She was named Distinguished Faculty in Gerontology by the Georgia State Gerontology Institute in 2010, and honored by the Association for Gerontology Education Social Work for Leadership in Aging. She is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and is a John A. Hartford Foundation Geriatric Social Work Scholar.

Prior to joining Georgia State, she was assistant director of the Gerontology Institute, associate dean and interim dean for the School of Social Work and associate vice president for instruction at the University of Georgia.

Kropf is involved in two Health Resources and Services-funded grants on interdisciplinary education and practice. The first, with the Atlanta Regional Geriatric Education Center, consists of faculty within medicine, nursing and social work. The second is a chronic illness grant within the Byrdine F. Lewis School that includes nursing, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, nutrition and social work.

“As a gerontologist who has worked in the multidisciplinary arena of health care, I’m excited to be leading a team of dietitians, nurses, health informatics professionals, physical therapists and respiratory therapists,” Kropf said. “The Lewis School is a great place to be in health care. We walk out of our door and see issues of chronic conditions, behavioral health and addiction. Our faculty and students can directly impact our community’s health.”

She received her doctor’s degree in social work and social policy from Virginia Commonwealth University, her master of social work degree from Michigan State University and a bachelor’s degree in sociology and psychology from Hope College.

Continuing Education Opportunities

August 24, 2015

The Georgia Association for Healthcare Quality (GAHQ) is proud to host a new education session: Introduction to Healthcare Quality.The Introduction to Healthcare Quality Course provides healthcare professionals who are new to quality with a basic understanding of quality and patient safety principles, methodologies, and toolsets to enable them to develop their knowledge and skills in their healthcare practice setting. This one-day course is designed for professionals approaching an array of quality concepts for the first time. The course will engage the learner in developing knowledge that will transfer to the healthcare quality practice setting. The format invites a high degree of interaction and group activities to introduce participants to introductory concepts. The course will be held on August 24, 2015 from 8am - 5 pm at DeKalb Medical Center, Bailey Tower Auditorium-First Floor, 2701 N. Decatur Rd., Decatur, GA 30033. At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: discuss the key events in the evolution of quality and patient safety in healthcare, describe the impact of regulations and accreditation affecting quality and patient safety in their practice setting, identify and describe basic healthcare quality and patient safety principles and methodologies, recognize and understand basic quality and patient safety measurement and improvement tools, and articulate ways to integrate quality and patient safety principles, methodologies, and tools to their practice setting. Continuing education credits of 7.5 hours have been awarded for CPHQ and Nursing education. Space is very limited and early registration is strongly encouraged. The cost is $225 for NAHQ members and $270 for non NAHQ members. The price includes continuing education credit, breakfast and afternoon snacks. For more information and to register, please go to this website

September 28, 2015

The Georgia Association for Healthcare Quality (GAHQ) is proud to host our 4th Annual Patient Safety Summit: Building . Building Blocks to Create a Culture of Safety. We will have three nationally known speakers; Kathy Dutton, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, FABC, Senior Administrator, Office of Patient & Family Experience at Vidant Medical Center, Greenville, NC, discussing the topic: How to promote and integrate a culture of patient and family centered care through strategic storytelling, Ann Scott Blouin, RN, PhD, FACHE, Executive Vice President of Customer Relations at the Joint Commission discussing the topic: How the relationship among leadership, staff engagement, patient and family inclusion in care, are the Building Blocks Toward a Safety Culture, and Nancy Curdy, MSN, RN, ANP-C, CCNS, CPHQ, Director of Patient Safety and Infection Prevention at DeKalb Medical, Decatur, GA, discussing the topic: Current trends in patient safety and best practices from the 17th Annual National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) Patient Safety Congress. The course will be held on September 28, 2015 from 8am -4:30 pm at DeKalb Medical Center, Bailey Tower Auditorium-First Floor, 2701 N. Decatur Rd., Decatur, GA 30033. Space is very limited and early registration is strongly encouraged. Cost for event: GAHQ Member: $125.00, Non-GAHQ Member: $225.00 if registered by August 31, 2015 using EARLY in coupon code. Cost of program as of September 1, 2015: GAHQ Member: $175.00, Non-GAHQ Member: $275.00. The 4th annual Patient Safety Summit is a tremendous value for the caliber of nationally known speakers. Please visit the GAHQ website on the GAHQ homepage in upper right-hand corner 2015 Patient Safety Summit for more information and to register.